Posts Tagged ‘Men’s Medical Institute’

Diabetes & Low-T: Know Your Risks & Treatment Options

A growing health concern among men in the United States is Type 2 Diabetes, formerly known as Adult-Onset Diabetes, a metabolic disorder brought on by high blood glucose levels and insulin deficiency. As average obesity levels have risen over the past 50 years, Type 2 Diabetes cases have increased proportionately. This is because obesity is considered to be the primary cause of the disease.

Diabetes wordcloudIf you are one of the 13 million men in the United States with Type 2 Diabetes (11.8% of all men over the age of 20 suffer from the disease), there are several important risks and treatment options that you need to be aware of. Startlingly enough, if you have Type 2 Diabetes, you are twice as likely to suffer from Low-T. This likelihood increases with age, as elderly men often experience the symptoms of lower testosterone levels. If you have Type 2 Diabetes as well as these following symptoms, you could be at greater risk for Low-T: fatigue, decreased sex drive, reduced lean body mass, lack of energy or erectile dysfunction.

Now that you know the risks and symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes, it is important to be aware of the treatment and prevention options available. Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that can and must be managed, especially in elderly men. When it comes to managing Type 2 Diabetes, many of the most helpful things are daily habits such as managing stress, eating a healthy diet and engaging in physical activity. If you are obese or genetically predisposed to the disease, these daily habits will prevent its onset if you are not already diagnosed. In more serious cases of Type 2 Diabetes, insulin medications and even surgery can be necessary, but the most common and beneficial way of managing the disease is through purposeful, healthy lifestyle changes.

Get started today and contact MMi to schedule and appointment or learn more about our treatment options.

Key Takeaways from Healthy Aging Month

September was deemed National Healthy Aging Month, with dedicated themes around heart health, cholesterol education and prostate awareness. As we look back, Men’s Medical Institute has compiled the key takeaways from Healthy Aging Month to further illustrate the current status of men’s health in the U.S. and urge men of all ages to take control of their health now.

Because testosterone is such an integral part of a male’s anatomy and overall health, testing for levels of Low-T by having your blood drawn will also screen for various illnesses and diseases including cholesterol, diabetes and prostate cancer before symptoms occur. This is crucial because high cholesterol does not have symptoms and prostate cancer may be asymptomatic.

Heart Health

FACT: Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of men (and women) in the United States.By 2030, it is expected that 23 million people will die from cardiovascular disease annually. At least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided if the main risk factors – tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity – are controlled.

Examples of risk include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. MMi can measure your cholesterol levels and advise you on your risk before seeking treatment for testosterone deficiency.

Cholesterol Education

FACT: 71 million American adults have high cholesterol, but only one-third of them have the condition under control. Because high cholesterol does not have symptoms, many men may not know that their cholesterol is too high. Fortunately, screening is the key to detecting the disease. Men ages 20 – 45 should have their cholesterol checked every five years; men older than 45 must have their cholesterol checked more often.

Prostate Cancer Awareness

FACT: One in six men will have prostate cancer during his lifetime. The good news is that more than 99 percent of men survive prostate cancer when the disease is caught early.

Possible symptoms:

  • Urge, but inability to urinate
  • Weak urine flow
  • Blood in urine
  • Trouble starting/stopping urination
  • Painful/burning urination
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Hip, lower back or upper thigh pain

Prostate cancer may be asymptomatic, which is why it is crucial that men get screened. Take the first step and have your blood levels drawn at MMi – it may just save your lift.

While men should be health-conscious year-round, Healthy Aging Month in September provides an opportunity to reconsider those little habits and routines that can make a big overall difference in the long run. Growing old is a natural process that can be enjoyed and savored as long as it is approached with the right knowledge and attitude.

Schedule an appointment with MMi today.

Food for Men: 4 Foods to Boost Male Health

Certified health and wellness expert (and MMi patient), Stan Jagow, specializes in customized weight loss and personal training consultation for individuals and families in the St. Louis area. Men’s Medical Institute asked Stan to offer a few tips on healthy eating to boost male health:

blog-pic-mens-health-2Men are different from women in all kinds of ways – including their nutritional needs. Just as women need particular nutrients during pregnancy or for protection from breast cancer, men need nutrients that can help them maintain muscle mass, prevent prostate cancer, and more.

Many foods that tend to be favorites among men are not the best choices for good health; yet, a healthy diet and regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease and cancer, the No. 1 and No. 2 killers for men over 35. Adding nutrient-rich super foods to the diet, as well as taking a daily multivitamin designed exclusively for men, can give men’s nutrition a boost. So, which foods will help?

1. Oysters
Could there be something to the legend that oysters are the food of love? Well, it’s true that just a few oysters each day will deliver a full day’s supply of the antioxidant mineral zinc. Zinc is involved in hundreds of body processes, from producing DNA to repairing cells. Research shows that adequate zinc may protect against cellular damage that leads to prostate cancer. Sexual functioning of the male reproductive system, including increased sperm counts, is also enhanced with zinc.

Take caution when considering eating uncooked oysters. An infection called Vibrio vulnificus is associated with the consumption of raw oysters. People with liver disease, heavy alcohol use, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic renal failure are at increased risk.

You can also get your daily recommended dose of 11 milligrams a day by eating other shellfish, lean beef, lean pork, or legumes.

2. Whole Grains (The “Good Carbs”)
Most men get enough carbs in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong kind. A diet rich in whole grains provides fiber, vitamins and minerals – all the co-factors for heart health, building muscles, and keeping waistlines small. Try switching to whole grain pasta or quinoa (pron. KEEN-WAH), a trendy, not-so-whole-grain-tasting grain that’s rich in lutein for prostate health.

Oatmeal and barley are rich in soluble fiber, full of B vitamins that can help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and are also good for the prostate. I recommend getting 10-25 grams of soluble fiber a day from oatmeal or other sources of soluble fiber such as apples, pears, and beans.

When buying grain products, look for those whose labels say they have at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving.
To avoid digestive problems, increase your fiber intake gradually, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

3. Plant Stanols
Stanols are naturally occurring substances in fruits and vegetables that have been shown to lower mildly elevated blood cholesterol levels. Manufacturers are now adding concentrated versions of them to products like margarine, yogurt, orange juice, and granola bars.

Men should regularly include a total of 2 grams of plant stanols, taken in two doses with meals, to help inhibit absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

Plant stanols are added to a variety of products including orange juice, margarine, dark chocolate, granola bars, cheese, bread, soy products, and more. Plant stanols can safely be used with cholesterol-lowering medication.

4. Red-Orange Veggies
Vitamin C and beta-carotene are antioxidants that help preserve healthy skin cells and prevent oxidation from the sun.

Vitamin C is involved in collagen production. Beta-carotene converts to the active form of vitamin A, which helps to repair skin cells.

You can get these nutrients from red bell peppers (just one has 300% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C), carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes.

But for that matter, just about any vegetable should be on the list of top foods for men (and women). Dark, leafy greens and any nutrient-rich vegetable can help reduce the risk of enlarged prostates.

Men whose diets are high in nutrients found in vegetables — like vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium – were found to be less likely to develop an enlarged prostate.

Feeling better already? Contact Stan today for a FREE 1-hour wellness consultation.


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If you are prepared to have more energy, feel stronger, increase your stamina and endurance, improve your memory and concentration and start sleeping better, then you are ready to schedule your appointment with the Men's Medical Institute.

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